Page Visit

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작성자 Gregg
댓글 0건 조회 77회 작성일 24-11-26 16:33


Add a deadline to your page If you have a special offer page that your audience is visiting directly - without going through an email sequence - you can use the Page Visit blueprint to add a deadline to that page.

This can be useful when sharing a link to a special offer on social media or through paid ads. Just add Deadline Funnel to your page and a unique deadline for each visitor will start the first time they visit the page.


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Deadline Funnel Deadline Funnel gives each of your leads a unique and authentic deadline for your offer.

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How do I integrate Deadline Funnel with my page? Create a special offer page that will only be available until the deadline. And then set up a Page Visit campaign in Deadline Funnel, so that after the deadline anyone who visits the special offer page is automatically redirected to the page of your choice. The deadline for each visitor will begin the first time they visit the page, and Deadline Funnel will use cookie and IP tracking to show them their deadline the next time they visit the page.


What kind of special offers can I create? The three most popular special offers are a price discount, an expiring bonus, and a limited-time product. A price discount is easy to set up - just create a page that displays a coupon or lower price than your regular offer, and your subscribers will only have access to that until their unique deadline expires. The expiring bonus allows you to offer special bonuses to subscribers who purchase before their deadline. And a limited time product goes away completely after the deadline.


Urgency: the missing ingredient Urgency is a powerful motivator in marketing. It's the difference between sending out an email campaign telling people about your offer, and sending out an email campaign with a deadline that incentivizes your audience to take action now. Take everyone who has received your emails over the last 30 days, and you can split them into three groups: "Love at first sight," "Not going to buy," and "I'm on the fence." The third group is the 80% of your subscribers that Deadline Funnel can help you convert into buyers. The key thing to understand about this group is that they're giving you their attention... but you won't have it forever. Attention drops quickly over time. And there's nothing better to help convert that third group into buyers than a strong offer with a deadline.


How to measure your results Deadline Funnel makes it easy to measure the revenue that each of your email sequences are generating. In your email platform, tag subscribers that purchase through your email sequence. And then add the Deadline Funnel sales tracking trigger so that each sale from that sequence is sent to your Deadline Funnel account.


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